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Adressing the root causes 

With a bucket of simple but necessary life style changes. Not smoking, exercising 3.5 hours a week, eating a low-glycemic diet, and maintaining a healthy weight. Adhering to those four lifestyle behaviors at once alone is associated with 93% reduction in T2 diabetes, 81% reduction in heart attacks,

50% reduction in strokes,

and 36% reduction in all cancers.

We will not stop at these as heavy metal toxicities and dehydration are the most common root of cardiovascular disease.! But what is proper hydration? 

“The current way doctors treat heart disease is misguided because they treat the risk factors not the causes.
To think we can treat heart disease by just lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood sugar with medication is like mopping up the floor while the sink overflows.”**


Dr. Mark Hyman

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