Organic fresh unsalted farm butter
Heat the butter on medium heat until il boils
Turn down the heat and let it cook for about 20 min
When boiling it will make a crackling sound
The milk solids will settle at the bottom on the pan
When the crackling stops keep on the fire for an other 2 minutes
Remove from the heat
Let it cool
Skim the top. You can use the top creamy layer as a delicious spread
Strain through a think sieve
Discard the black milk solids left at the bottom of the pan
Store in a glass jar
It can be kept outside for a month
If you want to keep it longer store in the refrigerator
Nutrition facts
Ghee is a clarified butter and is the only fat that can be heated to a high temperature. As once the butter is clarified its chemical components will not be change when heated. Other fats create cancerous bi-products when heated.
Ghee also has some anti-inflammatory properties.
Use it on toast, to cook, fry. Delicious on yoghurt. Children love it. It is my only non-vegan recipe!